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Get ready for some holiday cheer  We would like to invite you to Meadows Family Farm for a Christmas time fieldtrip.  


We will be decorating the farm for Christmas time and having special visits from The Grinch.  Snap some pics and a fun group pic with the Grinch.


While at Meadows Family Farm your group will enjoy:

* Gingerbread cookie decorating

* Wooden ornament decorating

* Christmas train ride

* Christmas games and a fun covered snow ball fight (with soft pom pom snowballs of course ). 

* Reindeer scavenger hunt

* Warm up around the campfire with a complimentary hot cocoa

* Lots of fun Christmassy things to see and great photo ops



$10/child (includes all activities above)

Parents - FREE

Teachers and staff are FREE


Dates available:

Any weekdays starting November 25th until December 20th

Arrival time between 9-10am (If you would like a later time please just ask)

Fieldtrip duration approx 1.5 hour to do all activities, but you are welcome to stay longer to visit the animals and play if you like.


To reserve a fieldtrip time please fill out the from below with your requested date and how many children you expect.


If you have any questions, please feel free to call me at 604-790-9934 or email


Thank you and we hope to see you this December.

Book Your Christmas Field Trip Now!

Date of Visit
Arrival Time

If you would like a later time please call 604-790-9934 or email

How will you be paying for your field trip?
At Farm at time of visit (we accept cash, credit, debit)
Please Invoice the school
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